With CCS Customs, complete auto care & A/C service is a breeze!

The most common causes of broken air conditioning are leaks or compressor issues. If your air is blowing cool but not cold, the problem could be a clogged filter, cooling fan problem, radiator trouble, or it could simply be that you need to recharge your A/C.

When auto air conditioning systems break down or wear out, refrigerant can leak. Not only is refrigerant harmful to the environment, but it can also damage your vehicle's evaporator and compressor. Getting a vehicle's air conditioner serviced at the first sign of trouble can save you both money and time. Visit ccs customs for a comprehensive a/c checkup. We offer ac services and repairs to help keep your air conditioning system cool and in check.

Your car is blowing warm or hot air instead of cold
The easiest way to identify an issue with your air conditioner is if your vehicle is blowing warm or hot air. If your vehicle is too low on refrigerant, the evaporator core will not reach the optimal temperature for cooling. The air may start out cold, then blow warm. Or, it may never cool down at all.
Your car is visibly leaking refrigerant
Have you noticed frost or wet spots around the A/C component welds or on the A/C lines under the hood? These issues coupled with your vehicle not blowing cold, may indicate that you need A/C service.
The A/C clutch is not engaging
The A/C clutch on your compressor engages whenever you turn on your air conditioner, and it usually sounds like a small click.
There's a weird smell coming from your vents
Weird smells do not belong in your vehicle's A/C vents. Typically, a strange odor means water or mildew is present in the system. Time to get the A/C system checked.

If your car’s refrigerant level is low, a technician can recharge your A/C system with a refrigerant top-off service. If it has been years since your A/C has been checked, an evacuation and recharge (emptying the old refrigerant and replacing it) in some cases can greatly improve the performance of your A/C system.